CO2 Fractional Laser





Fractional CO2 is a premium skin resurfacing treatment which treats the skin with microscopic laser columns instead of full surface tissue removal. The major benefit of this is excellent results without the lengthy downtime and recovery.

Another benefit of the Fractional CO2 is that the laser beams not only affect wrinkles and discolorations, but have the ability to tighten skin by altering the weakened collagen in the skin found in the dermis.

Fractional CO2 is the procedure of choice for age-related wrinkles, sun damage, enlarged pores, texture and tightening of your skin. In addition, patients with rolling or crevice type acne scarring see a vast improvement. Even though the procedure requires approximately 4 days recovery, the post healing process is more visually unappealing than it is painful.

Before starting treatment we will examine your skin and discuss with you which areas are suitable for this treatment, how intense the treatment can be, how many treatments may be needed and how long the recovery time is anticipated to be. All areas of the body can be treated.


The target for CO2 laser in the skin is water. Studies have shown that having well hydrated skin prior to treatment improves the outcome of the procedure. This is particularly important in men who tend to have dry skin. It is recommended that you use a cream regularly for one month prior to the procedure. If this cream contains a fruit acid or other peeling agent it will thin the top layer of the skin (stratum corneum) at the same time, which will increase the penetration of the laser. For patients with olive to dark skin we will add some hydroquinone to the cream to stabilise the pigment. This will prevent rebound hyper pigmentation.


Studies have now demonstrated that cooling the skin before during and after treatment significantly reduces the pain without decreasing the strength of the treatment and giving a faster recovery. Anaesthetic cream is applied 30-40 minutes before the start of the treatment does offer an almost painless treatment.

After Treatment

Immediately post treatment, it feels more like intense sunburn for a few hours. As this subsides you will have some redness and swelling. Pinpoint crusts will form over the treatment spots. This is the dead skin of the epidermis and dermis. Completely removing this part of the skin results in wound remodelling with subsequent new collagen and elastin fibre formation, which translates into healthier, firmer, and tighter skin. This dead skin usually separates on day four or five after which make-up can be applied. The skin then reveals fresh blemish free skin with slight redness. This redness (erythema) occurs as blood flow has increased due to the body reproducing new collagen and repairing the skin. When the erythema subsides it means the blood flow has returned to normal. This normally takes three months.

Induration(hardness) and tightness

It is not uncommon for the treated area to feel tight and itchy during this healing period.


Scarring is not anticipated as a consequence of this procedure. If it does occur, it is usually the result of some secondary factors, which interfere with healing, such as infection, irritation, scratching/picking or poor wound care. Most of these factors only result in temporary scars that will blend with the surrounding skin over time. Keloid scars can occur in susceptible people. This issue should be addressed prior to the treatment.

Don’t worry, your friends will notice a new you! Just by removing the dullness to your skin, your face will be more youthful looking, lighter, brighter, tighter and it will only continue to get better with time.